Least Common Ancestor
Suppose we have a binary tree . For any two nodes in the tree , the least common ancestor of and is defined as the node satisfying the following two conditions:
- and are descendants of ,
- if there is a node having and as descendants, then is descendant of .
To find the least common ancestor of two nodes and in a tree , we follow the steps below:
- find the path from the root of to (i.e., a list of nodes starting in and ending in ),
- find the path from to ,
- consider the common prefix of and , the last node in the common prefix is the least common ancestor.
Consider, for example, the binary tree depicted below. The least common ancestor of and is . Indeed, the path from the root to is . The path from to is . Their common prefix is whose last element is .
Similarly, the least common ancestor of and is . The least common ancestor of and is .
In Racket, implement a function (common-ancestor x y tree)
that takes two nodes x
, y
and a binary tree tree
, and returns the least common-ancestor of x
and y
in tree
. If x
or y
does not belong to tree
, the function returns #f
To represent binary trees in Racket, use the following structures:
(struct node (val left right) #:transparent)
(struct leaf (val) #:transparent)
Thus the leaves (nodes without children) are represented as, for instance, (leaf 6)
. The nodes with children are represented as, for instance, (node 1 (leaf 2) (leaf 3))
To implement the function common-ancestor
, implement first a function (find-path x tree)
that finds a path from the root of tree
to x
. For example,
(define tree (node 1 (node 2 (leaf 5) (leaf 6))
(node 3 (leaf 4) (leaf 7))))
> (find-path 7 tree)
'(1 3 7)
Your file should be called ancestor.rkt
and should export the find-path
and common-ancestor
functions and the structures node
and leaf
#lang racket
(provide find-path
(struct-out node)
(struct-out leaf))
(struct node (val left right) #:transparent)
(struct leaf (val) #:transparent)
(define (find-path x tree)
; Implement me!
(define (common-ancestor x y tree)
; Implement me!
(define tree2 (node 1 (node 2 (leaf 3)
(node 4 (leaf 5)
(leaf 6)))
(node 7 (leaf 8)
(leaf 9))))
> (common-ancestor 3 5 tree2)
> (common-ancestor 3 15 tree2)
To find the common prefix of two lists, use the function (take-common-prefix lst1 lst2)
#lang racket
(provide find-path
(struct-out node)
(struct-out leaf))
(struct node (val left right) #:transparent)
(struct leaf (val) #:transparent)
(define tree (node 1 (node 2 (leaf 5) (leaf 6)) (node 3 (leaf 4) (leaf 7))))
(define (find-path x tree)
(match tree
[(leaf y) (if (equal? x y)
(list x)
[(node y l r) (if (equal? x y)
(list x)
(let* ([pl (find-path x l)]
[pr (find-path x r)]
[both (append pl pr)])
(if (null? both)
(cons y both))))]))
(define (common-ancestor x y tree)
(define px (find-path x tree))
(define py (find-path y tree))
(define common (take-common-prefix px py))
(if (null? common)
(last common)))
Implement a function commonAncestor :: Eq a => a -> a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
that takes two nodes and a binary tree, and returns the least common ancestor of these two nodes. If it does not exist, the function returns Nothing
To represent binary trees in Haskell, use the following data type:
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq,Show)
Thus the leaves (nodes without children) are represented as, for instance, Leaf 6
. The nodes with children are represented as, for instance, Node 1 (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)
To implement the function commonAncestor
, implement first a function\ findPath :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [a]
that finds for a given node and a binary tree the path from the root to that node. For example,
tree = Node 1 (Node 2 (Leaf 5) (Leaf 6)) (Node 3 (Leaf 4) (Leaf 7))
> findPath 7 tree
Your file should be called Ancestor.hs
and should export the commonAncestor
, findPath
functions and the type Tree
module Ancestor (findPath, commonAncestor, Tree(..)) where
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq,Show)
findPath :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [a]
-- implement me!
commonAncestor :: Eq a => a -> a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
-- implement me!
tree2 = Node 1 (Node 2 (Leaf 3)
(Node 4 (Leaf 5)
(Leaf 6)))
(Node 7 (Leaf 8)
(Leaf 9))
> commonAncestor 3 5 tree2
Just 2
> commonAncestor 3 15 tree2
module Task4 (findPath, commonAncestor, Tree(..)) where
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq,Show)
tree = Node 1 (Node 2 (Leaf 5) (Leaf 6)) (Node 3 (Leaf 4) (Leaf 7))
tree2 = Node 1 (Node 2 (Leaf 3)
(Node 4 (Leaf 5)
(Leaf 6)))
(Node 7 (Leaf 8)
(Leaf 9))
findPath :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [a]
findPath x (Leaf y) | x == y = [x]
| otherwise = []
findPath x (Node y l r) | x == y = [x]
| otherwise = let pl = findPath x l
pr = findPath x r
in if null (pl ++ pr) then []
else y:(pl++pr)
commonAncestor :: Eq a => a -> a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
commonAncestor x y t | null common = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ last common
where px = findPath x t
py = findPath y t
common = [x | (x,y) <- zip px py, x==y ]