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Stateful Computations

Almost all interesting computations are somehow stateful. Even just pushing to a list already involves a state. Essentially, every operation that involves some sort of memory storage is in the end a stateful computation.

In procedural languages, mutating state is so simple and natural that we often do not even think explicitly about the fact that we are performing a stateful computation. Unfortunately, in functional programming we so far had to explicitly pass around states (i.e. variables which we wanted to update), because we want to avoid mutation of (global) variables. While this potentially makes our code more safe and easier to reason about, it comes at the cost of somewhat clunky implementations and repetitive boiler plate.

One example which you already know from the labs is labelling a tree. In Lab 9 - Ex. 3 you were asked to transform a tree that contains just Chars into a tree that has leaves labelled with consecutive numbers:

We can implement a function that performs the task above by explicitly passing around trees and a state (in this case the incrementing Int that will be put in the leaves). The solution looked like below:

labelHlp :: Tree a -> Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int)
labelHlp (Leaf x) n = (Leaf (x, n), n+1)
labelHlp (Node left right) n = let (left', n') = labelHlp left n
                                   (right', n'') = labelHlp right n'
                                in (Node left' right', n'')

labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
labelTree t = fst (labelHlp t 0)

Where the implementation for the Node case is really just plumbing to keep track of the updated state (in the highlighted part of the code). No actual computation is happening there.


This lecture focuses on how to abstract away the repetitive parts of our stateful computations and regain (at least most of) the convenience of procedural programming.

In general, given a function f that performs some computation on x but depends also on some state s we always need to explicitly keep track of the state, so we always have two inputs rendering the functions pure again:

The Haskell state monad implements this essentially as a curried function b -> s -> (a,s) with two outputs, while keeping the state s hidden where it is not needed.

After implementing all the necessary typeclasses we will end up with a much tidier version of the labelling function that looks a lot like procedural code and abstracts away the state completely (see highlight & don't worry about how it works yet - we will build the solution step by step later).

fresh :: State Int Int
fresh = state (\n -> (n, n+1))

label :: Tree a -> State Int (Tree (a, Int))
label (Leaf x) = do
  i <- fresh
  return $ Leaf (x, i)
label (Node l r) = do
  l' <- label l
  r' <- label r
  return $ Node l' r'

labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
labelTree t = evalState (label t) 0
labelHlp :: Tree a -> Int -> (Tree (a, Int), Int)
labelHlp (Leaf x) n = (Leaf (x, n), n+1)
labelHlp (Node left right) n = let (left', n') = labelHlp left n
                                   (right', n'') = labelHlp right n'
                                in (Node left' right', n'')

labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
labelTree t = fst (labelHlp t 0)

State Monad


Haskell provides a powerful way of handling stateful computations in the type StateT (T for transformer). Unfortunately state transformers are out of the scope of this course, but you can find more information about them here. We will work with a slightly simpler implementation which is easier to understand.

As already mentioned, we will implement stateful computations (naturally) based on curried functions of two arguments with an input b, and the state s. These functions will output a tuple of an output a and a (potentially updated) state s:

st :: b -> s -> (a,s)

One very convenient way to encode this in a new type is by defining a State s a:

newtype State s a = S { runState :: s -> (a,s) }

which then means we will work with functions that accept an input b and produce a stateful computation State s a[1]:

st :: b -> State s a

To compose stateful computations, and importantly, to hide the boring boilerplate of dragging along the state s, we can implement the Monad instance for State s. To arrive at the definition of the Monad instance we need to implement two other important typeclasses: Functor and Applicative.

Functor (State s)

With the functor instance we will be able to transform the output a of a State s a without modifying the state itself:

instance Functor (State s) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
  fmap f st = S (\s -> let (x,s') = runState st s
                       in (f x,s'))

Graphically we can represent Functor implementation like below. The state s enters the stateful computation st. When we runState st we get a new state s' and the input to the function f we need to apply it:

Applicative (State s)

With Applicative we can compose two (or more) stateful computations with a given function f that is itself enclosed in a State context. We will not directly need the <*> operator today, but Haskell's type hierarchy requires it, so we have to implement it.

instance Applicative (State s) where
  pure :: a -> State s a
  pure x = S (\s -> (x,s))

  (<*>) :: State s (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
  stf <*> stx = S (\s -> let (f,s') = runState stf s
                             (x,s'') = runState stx s'
                         in (f x, s''))

First the <*> operator runs the stf, which encloses a fucntion f :: a -> b, then, with the updated state s', it runs the second stateful computation stx to obtain the final state s'' and the output f x:

Monad (State s)

Finally, we have the Monad instance which will allow us to perform stateful computations in sequence, while automatically piping the state through or functions.

instance Monad (State s) where
  (>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
  stx >>= f = S (\s -> let (x,s') = runState stx s
                         in runState (f x) s')

In the bind operator >>= we use the output of the stateful computation stx as the input to construct another stateful computation (note the difference of f to the applicative case):

If we, replace State s a with s -> (a,s) in the type signatures for bind it becomes even more apparent that >>= is doing nothing except composing our functions that involve state s:

(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b

-- essentially we just curry the output of the first stateful comp.:
(s -> (a,s))  ->  (a -> s -> (b,s))  ->  (s -> (b,s))


The type of the state s itself will remain the same throughout our whole program, while the inputs and outputs can have varying types (this is the main reason for the particular design of State s a).

Manipulating State & do-notation

To work with our new State we introduce three useful functions:

state :: (s -> (a,s)) -> State s a
state f = S f

-- extract only the output of our stateful computation
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
evalState st x = fst $ runState st x

-- extract the state itself
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
execState st x = snd $ runState st x

The state function is just an alias to the value constructor S in our case, but it is used in real world Haskell for StateT, so we use it here as well to familiarize you with what is out there.

Now, we can prepare ourselves to use do-notation with the state monad. Our first example will be labelling the tree from the beginning of the lecture. Recalling what we needed to do to label trees: we realized that the only place where we needed to do a computation with the state was in the case of encountering a Leaf. In a Leaf we used the current number (can be regarded as output a) and incremented to (the next state s).

We can formalize this as

fresh :: State Int Int
fresh = state $ \n -> (n, n+1)

𝝺> runState fresh 0
(0,1) -- (current_output, state/next_output)

We implemented Monad, so we have do-notation available. The variable at the left of <- will be the argument in which State is monadic, so a. That means we can access the output of a stateful computation super easily via: i <- fresh. If we define a function label that accepts a Tree a and outputs a stateful computation we have to cover the two cases for Leaf and Node again. In practice, this will result in a label function for Leaf like below:

label :: Tree a -> State Int (Tree (a,Int))
label (Leaf x) = do
  i <- fresh  -- extract the current label number
  return $ Leaf (x,i) -- insert into tree

-- to execute the stateful comp., first construct it via `label`
𝝺> stl = label (Leaf 'a')
-- then run it with an initial value
𝝺> runState stl 0
(Leaf ('a',0),1)

The state update is done automagically! If this is confusing to you, check out the details below.

Step-by-step: label (Leaf x)

The do-notation above can be rewritten to >>=. The we just have to replace the definitions of return/runState to obtain the result:

fresh >>= (\i -> return $ Leaf (x,i))

-- definition of >>=
--  stx >>= f = S (\s -> let (x,s') = runState stx s
--                       in runState (f x) s')

-- >>= extracts the function inside fresh state comp.
--     and supplies an initial argument i
runState fresh i
  (\n -> (n,n+1)) i

-- then we use the results and pass them on:
runState ((\i -> return $ Leaf (x,i)) i) (i+1)
  runState (return $ Leaf (x,i)) (i+1)
  (\s -> (Leaf (x,i), s)) (i+1)
  (Leaf (x,i), (i+1))

The labelling of Nodes becomes practically trivial, because the state monad is taking care of all the plumbing for us. Nice!

label :: Tree a -> State Int (Tree (a,Int))
label (Leaf x) = do
  i <- fresh
  return $ Leaf (x,i)
label (Node l r) = do
  l' <- label l
  r' <- label r
  return $ Node l' r'

labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
labelTree t = evalState (label t) 0

tree :: Tree Char
tree = Node (Leaf 'a') (Node (Leaf 'b') (Leaf 'c'))

𝝺> labelTree tree
Node (Leaf ('a',0)) (Node (Leaf ('b',1)) (Leaf ('c',2)))

Additionally, we will want to read/write to current state. For this we can define three useful functions:

-- Effectively moves the state to the output
-- such that we can do x <- get
get :: State s s
get = state (\x -> (x,x))

-- Let's us write `put x` in do-notation to update the state
put :: s -> State s ()
put x = state (\_ -> ((),x))

-- Applies a function to the state.
-- Conveniently implemented via get/put and do-notation:
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify f = do x <- get
              put (f x)
              return ()

Random values

A function returning a random value cannot be pure (by definition) so it would have to be enclosed inside IO monad. But, we want most of our code to be pure! Pseudorandom generators allow generating random values based on an initial seed, that is updated an passed on:

-- random number in range (0,100)
rand100 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
rand100 seed = (n, newseed) where
  newseed = (1664525 * seed + 1013904223) `mod` (2^32)
  n = (newseed `mod` 100)

This looks like a great application of our newly acquired knowledge about State s a!


The Haskell library System.Random is designed to generate pseudorandom values. It uses values of StdGen as seed values (called generators). We can create generators by calling the function:

mkStdGen :: Int -> StdGen

Given a generator, a random value of type a in a given interval, can be generated by

randomR :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)

𝝺> randomR (0,100) (mkStdGen 1)
(46,80028 40692)

Random is a type class of the types for which we can generate pseudorandom values:

class Random a where
  randomR :: RandomGen g => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)
  default randomR :: (RandomGen g, UniformRange a) =>
                     (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)
  random :: RandomGen g => g -> (a, g)
  default random :: (RandomGen g, Uniform a) => g -> (a, g)
  randomRs :: RandomGen g => (a, a) -> g -> [a]
  randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [a]
        -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Bool -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Char -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Double -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Float -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Int -- Defined in ‘System.Random’
instance Random Integer -- Defined in ‘System.Random’

If we want to compute sequences of random values, we could naively do it like this:

rand3Int :: Int -> StdGen -> ([Int], StdGen)
rand3Int m g0 = ([n1,n2,n3],g3)
    (n1,g1) = randomR (0,m) g0
    (n2,g2) = randomR (0,m) g1
    (n3,g3) = randomR (0,m) g2

But of course there is a much nicer way by using the state monad. First we define a new type R a which will hold a random number generator StdGen and a type a (from which we want random samples). With >>= already defined for State StdGen we just have to wrap randomR :: StdGen -> (a, StdGen) into a State to immediately be able to use it with do-notation:

type R a = State StdGen a

randIntS :: Int -> R Int
randIntS m = state $ randomR (0,m)

rand3IntS :: Int -> R [Int]
rand3IntS n = do n1 <- randIntS n
                 n2 <- randIntS n
                 n3 <- randIntS n
                 return [n1,n2,n3]

We can of course use the higher order functions over monads to get more than just three random numbers;)

manyRandIntS :: Int -> R [Int]
manyRandIntS n = mapM randIntS $ repeat n
Why does mapM return different random numbers?

Being able to use mapM above to generate a sequence of random numbers is great, but why does it work? Shouldn't mapM receive the same arguments every time and produce the same result? It becomes clear when taking a look at the implementation of mapM that this is not the case:

mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM f [] = return []
mapM f (x:xs) = do
    y <- f x
    ys <- mapM f xs
    return (y:ys)

As we can see, mapM sequences f x for every stateful computation.

  1. Note the similarity of State s a to the Parser type.

    newtype Parser a = P (String -> Maybe (a,String))

    is essentially a special case of State s a including a Maybe. ↩︎