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Monadic Parsing

In this lecture we will use our newly gained knowledge about functors and monads to build parsers (this lecture is the foundation for your last homework).


Before we get into the actual parser implementation we need to introduce one more useful and very common typeclass: Applicatives. Imagine we want to add two Maybe values. Naively trying to add them of course does not work:

𝝺> (Just 2) + (Just 3)
<interactive>:1:1: error: [GHC-39999]
 No instance for Num (Maybe Integer) arising ...

Using fmap will also not get us the desired result:

fmap (+) (Just 2) :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a)

Because we do not have a way of working with the resulting Maybe (a -> a). Applicative functors allow us to do exactly this!

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  pure a -> f a

The operator <*> accepts a boxed function and applies it to a boxed value, so we can use the output of our fmap expression from before:

𝝺> fmap (+) (Just 2) <*> Just 3
Just 5

-- we can write the same with <$>, the fmap operator:
𝝺> (+) <$> (Just 2) <*> Just 3
Just 5


Can you see why <*> now allows use to lift n-ary functions? Hint: currying!

The implementation of Applicative for Maybe is pretty simple (as usual for Maybe).

instance Applicative Maybe where
  pure :: a -> Maybe a
  pure = Just

  (<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
  Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
  _ <*> Nothing = Nothing
  Just f <*> Just a = Just (f a)

For lists we have two options to implement the interface. We can either pair up a list of functions with a list of values, or we can apply each function to each value (cartesian product). Haskell chooses the latter:

instance Applicative [] where
  pure :: a -> [a]
  pure x = [x]

  (<*>) :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
  fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]

such that the [] applicative lets us compute e.g. products of lists of functions

𝝺> (,) <$> [1,2,3] <*> ['a','b','c']
[ (1,'a'), (1,'b'), (1,'c')
, (2,'a'), (2,'b'), (2,'c')
, (3,'a'), (3,'b'), (3,'c') ]

Example: Validation

Let's say we want to create validated data structures, such as a Person:

newtype Name = Name String deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Address = Address String deriving (Eq, Show)

data Person = Person Name Address deriving (Eq, Show)

where Name and Address are type aliases for String.

What is newtype?

The newtype keyword can be used to define data types with exactly one constructor and exactly one field, so its similar to a type alias, just that you can define instances for it (and it has some slightly different lazy/strict evaluation properties than data). Small summary is e.g. here.

For example, the constructor Name accepts a String and produces a Name, but for our validation we want Maybe Names. This is a familiar case for which we can use fmap:

validateLength :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
validateLength maxLen s = if (length s) > maxLen
                          then Nothing
                          else Just s

mkName :: String -> Maybe Name
mkName s = Name <$> validateLength 12 s

mkAddress :: String -> Maybe Address
mkAddress a = Address <$> validateLength 25 a

Once we try to construct validated Persons we have to deal with the problem that Person accepts Name and Address, but not their boxed maybe values. This is exactly the use case for the applicative functor:

mkPerson :: String -> String -> Maybe Person
mkPerson n a = Person <$> mkName n <*> mkAddress a
Monadic mkPerson

The same function as above can also be implemented with the monadic instance of Maybe and the do notation, but it is a bit longer:

mkPerson :: String -> String -> Maybe Person
mkPerson n a = do name <- mkName n
                  addr <- mkAddress a
                  return $ Person name addr

Monadic Parsing

A parser is a program that takes an input string and converts it into a data structure containing all the information that was encoded in the input string. Most commonly, a parser can accept a source code file and convert it into an AST (abstract syntax tree).

In this lecture we will build a parser that accepts strings of the form

(4.0 * (5 + 7 + x))

which represent numeric expressions composed of only addition and multiplication. For simplicity we will assume that all expressions are appropriately parenthesized, so that we do not have to worry about operator precedence.

In Haskell, we could represent an AST data structure with an Expr a defined like:

data Expr a = Val a
            | Var String
            | Add [Expr a]
            | Mul [Expr a] deriving Eq

The example string above would be converted into the AST:

Mul [Val 4, Add [Val 5, Val 7, Var "x"]]

The language grammar of the expression we consider is given below. An expression <expr> is composed of variables <var>, values <val>, additions <add> or multiplications <mul> where each of those four can be surrounded by an arbitrary amount of spaces <space>*. Variables start with a <lower>case letter and then can have an arbitrary number of characters/numbers in their name.

Values can either be either integers or floating point numbers. Integers <int> are defined by an optional - in the front and at least one digit (represented by <digit>+). Finally, <add> or <mul> are parenthesized expressions with +/*.

<expr> -> <space>* <expr'> <space>*
<expr'> -> <var>
         | <val>
         | <add>
         | <mul>

<var> -> <lower> <alphanum>*
<val> -> <int> "." <digit>+ | <int>
<int> -> "-" <digit>+ | <digit>+ 

<add> -> "(" <expr> ("+" <expr>)+ ")"
<mul> -> "(" <expr> ("*" <expr>)+ ")"

The Parser type

Before we start implementing our parsers we need a good data structure that will represent them. Essentially, we have three things that our parser must be able to do, which have to be reflected in the type we define:

  1. Parsers accept Strings and produce trees as output.
  2. Parsers can fail.
  3. Parsers can return un-parsed strings as partial results.

With can start with 1.) and define a parser as a type that contains a function which accepts a string and returns some parsed type a.

newtype Parser a = P (String -> a)

Next, we can include 3.) the un-parsed/rest string:

newtype Parser a = P (String -> (a, String))

Finally, parsers can fail, so we get:

newtype Parser a = P (String -> Maybe (a, String))

To conveniently access the function contained in a parser, we give it a name and arrive at the final type definition:

newtype Parser a = P { parse :: String -> Maybe (a, String)}

With this datatype, and by leveraging what we know about functors, monads, and applicatives, we will end up with a very nice way of constructing parsers that looks almost like the grammar we defined in the beginning:

-- <expr'> -> <var> | <val> | <add> | <mul>

expr :: Parser (Expr Float)
expr = token (var <|> val <|> op '+' <|> op '*')

But let's start much simpler. Our first parser will just parse a single, arbitrary character. A Char parser always succedes as long as the given string is not empty. We will call this parser item, because it parses an arbitrary item from the input string. To define this parser we use the data constructor P, pass a function accepting a string, and return a Maybe (Char, String):

newtype Parser a = P { parse :: String -> Maybe (a, String)}

item :: Parser Char
item = P (\input -> case input of
                      ""     -> Nothing
                      (x:xs) -> Just (x, xs))

In order to construct more complicated parsers we just have to manipulate the parse function contained in P (to make it do the more complicated things). The function parse is hidden inside our new parser type, so this is where the typeclasses Functor, Applicative, and Monad will come in handy. Hence, we will make Parsers instances of those before starting with implementing the actual language grammar.

Functor Parser

Let's say we want to make sure that the first character in a string is a 'c'. Then we just need to compose the function inside the item parser with ==c, which we can do my lifting ==c via fmap:

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  fmap f p = P (\input ->
    case parse p input of
      Nothing      -> Nothing
      Just (v,out) -> Just (f v, out))

𝝺> parse (fmap (=='c') item) "cde"
Just (True, "de")

In this case fmap runs a given parser p, and, if it succeeds, applies the function f to the resulting value that was parsed.

Applicative Parser

To lift n-ary functions we already know that we will need Applicative. In our parser context, <*> will accept a parser who's parse function returns itself a function, i.e. an Expr (a -> b):

parse :: String -> Maybe (Expr (a -> b), String)

If we unpack that function we can use fmap to lift it to the second input which is again a parser:

instance Applicative Parser where
  (<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  pg <*> px = P (\inp -> case parse pg inp of
                           Nothing      -> Nothing
                           Just (g,out) -> parse (fmap g px) out)

  pure :: a -> Parser a
  pure v = P (\inp -> Just (v,inp))

𝝺> parse ((/=) <$> item <*> item) "abc"
Just (True, "c")

𝝺> parse ((/=) <$> item <*> item) "aac"
Just (False, "c")

Monad Parser

Most important is probably the monad instance, which will let us sequence multiple small parsers to combine them to more complex ones. Bind (>>=) accepts a parser, and a function that again returns a parser. We can use this, for example, to make sure that a parsed character is an a:

instance Monad Parser where
  (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
  p >>= f = P (\inp -> case parse p inp of
                           Nothing      -> Nothing
                           Just (v,out) -> parse (f v) out)

𝝺> parse (item >>= \c -> if c == 'a' then item else return ' ') "abc"
Just ('b', "c")

𝝺> parse (item >>= \c -> if c == 'a' then item else return ' ') "bbc"
Just (' ', "bc")

Alternative Parser

Another very convenient type class we will use is Alternative. It allows us to try different parsers and use the result of the parser that succeedes (this is essentially the | operator in the grammar).

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty :: Parser a
  empty = P (\_ -> Nothing)

  (<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
  p <|> q = P (\inp -> case parse p inp of
                         Nothing -> parse q inp
                         Just (v,out) -> Just (v,out))

  -- you get for free: (we will need them in the next section)
  -- many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
  -- many p = some p <|> pure []

  -- some :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
  -- some p = (:) <$> p <*> many p

𝝺> parse (item <|> return 'x') ""
Just ('x', "")

Parser building blocks

With the implementations of the necessary typeclasses we can finally start building some basic parsers. First we can start with a parser that simply checks if a condition is true:

sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
sat pr = item >>= \x -> if pr x then return x
                                else empty

You can also use do-notation to define the sat parser:

sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
sat pr = do x <- item
            if pr x then return x
                    else empty

A good way to figure out how do-notation works for a new type is by assuming that the left of <- will contain whatever the type a is that you are boxing, so in our case of Parser a, we will have whatever the parser is parsing in a. Which makes sense!😉

Next, we can build two more very simple building block parsers:

alphaNum :: Parser Char
alpahNum = sat isAlphaNum

char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = sat (==c)

alphaNum makes sure that a character is alpha-numeric, char c checks if a character is equal to c.

Note that the resulting characters are still part of the parser output (not True like in the beginning of the lecture):

𝝺> parse (char 'a') "agwehj"
Just ('a',"gwehj")

Another useful thing to do is parse larger strings instead of single characters. We can do this by sequencing multiple char c parsers.

string :: String -> Parser String
string [] = return []
string (x:xs) = char x
                >> string xs
                >> return (x:xs)

We can use the some and many functions that come with the Alternative typeclass to parse zero or more (many, corresponds to * in the grammar) or one or more (some, corresponds to +):

𝝺> parse (some (string "abc")) "abcabc_gwehj"
Just (["abc", "abc"], "_gwehj")

Parsing numeric expressions

Finally, we can start implementing our language grammar. This part is what we have worked towards during the whole lecture today. You will see that all the work in setting things up will pay off: The parsers we define new look almost like the grammar itself!

For variables we just have to compose a parser making sure we have a lower first letter and a bunch of alpha-numeric characters:

-- <var> -> <lower> <alphanum>*

var :: Parser (Expr a)
var = do x <- sat isLower
         xs <- many alphaNum
         return $ Var (x:xs)

To parse values we start with integers, which are either positive or negative some digit parsers. Then we can parse floats with the help of int <|>. The float :: Parser Float also reads the parsed string into an actual Float.

-- <int> -> "-" <digit>+ | <digit>+ 
-- <val> -> <int> "." <digit>+ | <int>

digit :: Parser Char
digit = sat isDigit

nat :: Parser String
nat = some digit

int :: Parser String
int = do char '-'
         xs <- nat
         return ('-':xs)
      <|> nat

float :: Parser Float
float = do xs <- int
           char '.'
           ys <- nat
           return $ read (xs ++ "." ++ ys)
        <|> read <$> int

val :: Parser (Expr Float)
val = Val <$> float

Full expressions can be surrounded by spaces, so we can define a token parser that discards an arbitrary number of spaces:

space :: Parser ()
space = many (sat isSpace) *> pure ()

token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token p = do space
             x <- p
             return x

expr :: Parser (Expr Float)
expr = token (var <|> val <|> op '+' <|> op '*')

The above expr parser is the final implementation of our grammar. The only thing that we have not defined yet are the op parsers:

-- <add> -> "(" <expr> ("+" <expr>)+ ")"
-- <mul> -> "(" <expr> ("*" <expr>)+ ")"    

opCons :: Char -> [Expr a] -> Expr a
opCons '+' = Add
opCons '*' = Mul
opCons c = error $ show c ++ " is unknown op"

op :: Char -> Parser (Expr Float)
op c = do char '('
          e  <- expr
          es <- some (char c >> expr)
          char ')'
          return $ opCons c (e:es)

𝝺> parse (op '*') "(2 * 3 * 4) asdfasdf"
Just ((2.0 * 3.0 * 4.0)," asdfasdf")

Finally, we initialize the parsing. The only thing we need to do is call our expr parser and make sure that the remaining string is empty:

readExpr :: String -> Maybe (Expr Float)
readExpr s = case parse expr s of
  Just (e,"") -> Just e
  Just (e,_) -> Nothing
  _ -> Nothing

𝝺> readExpr "(4 * (5 + 7 + x2) * y2)"
Just (4.0 * (5.0 + 7.0 + x2) * y2)