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Lab 1: Introduction to Racket

In this lab you will familiarize yourself with the IDE we will use to write Racket programs.

Dr. Racket IDE

The IDE can be downloaded for free for Linux, Windows, and MAC from:

You can use the one installed in the lab computers or install it on your own laptop. Don't hesitate to ask for help!

To get familiar with the definition window and REPL in DrRacket you can:

  • Read documentation of implemented functions which is accessible via Help Desk in the menu.

DrRacket allows writing programs in several languages. We focus on Racket, so your first line in the code should be:

#lang racket

Exercises - Racket basics

Start interaction in REPL. Racket uses prefix notation for all functions. Try and compute a simple formulas, e.g., .

Exercise 1

Write a recursive function my-even? that decides whether a number is even using only functions +, -, = (without mutual recursion).

(define (my-even? n)
    [(< n 0) (my-even? (- n))]
    [(= n 0) #t]
    [(= n 1) #f]
    [else (my-even? (- n 2))]))

Exercise 2

Using the function string-append, create a function (copy-str n str) taking as arguments an integer n, a string str and returns a string consisting of n-many copies of str. For example (copy-str 3 "abc") => "abcabcabc".

(define (copy-str n str)
  (if (<= n 0)
      (string-append str (copy-str (- n 1) str))))

Exercise 3

Rewrite the function from Exercise 2 so that it uses tail recursion.

(define (copy-str n str [acc ""])
  (if (<= n 0)
      (copy-str (- n 1) str (string-append acc str))))

Exercise 4

Write a function (consecutive-chars fst lst) which takes two characters and returns a string consisting of a sequence of consecutive characters starting with fst, ending with lst, and following the order in the ASCII table. For example (consecutive-chars #\A #\D) => "ABCD" or (consecutive-chars #\z #\u) => "zyxwvu". For converting characters into positions in the ASCII table, use functions char->integer and integer->char. To convert a character into a string, apply the function string.

(define (integer->string i)
  (string (integer->char i)))

(define (consecutive-chars fst lst)
  (define first-index (char->integer fst))
  (define last-index (char->integer lst))
  (define step (if (< first-index last-index) 1 -1))
  (define (iter k acc)
    (if (= k last-index)
        (string-append acc (integer->string k))
        (iter (+ k step)
              (string-append acc (integer->string k)))))
  (iter first-index ""))

Alternatively, and maybe slightly more elegantly, you can define two helper functions char+1 and char-1 and use an accumulator:

(define (char+1 c) (integer->char (add1 (char->integer c))))
(define (char-1 c) (integer->char (sub1 (char->integer c))))

(define (consecutive-chars fst lst [acc ""])
    [(char=? fst lst) (string-append acc (string fst))]
    [(char<? fst lst)
     (consecutive-chars (char+1 fst) lst (string-append acc (string fst)))]
    [(char>? fst lst)
     (consecutive-chars (char-1 fst) lst (string-append acc (string fst)))]))


Try to solve the following individual tasks.

Task 1

Write a function num-of-digits which takes an integer n and computes the number of digits n has in the standard decimal representation. For example (num-of-digits 123) => 3 or (num-of-digits -3456) => 4.


The number of digits can be computed by successive dividing the input number by 10. For the integer division, you can use the function quotient.

(define (num-of-digits n [acc 1])
  (define q (quotient n 10))
  (if (= q 0) acc (num-of-digits q (+ acc 1))))

Thank you for the improved solution @Denis Pak!

Task 2

Write a function (num->str n [radix 10]) taking as input an integer n together with radix denoting the number of symbols used to represent the number n (for example 2,10,16 for binary, decimal, hexadecimal representation respectively). This function returns a string containing the representation of n in the corresponding numerical system. For the representation, use the standard symbols 0123456789ABCDEF.


  • (num->str 52) => "52",
  • (num->str 5 2) => "101",
  • (num->str 255 16) => "FF".


The representation can be obtained by consecutive division of n by radix and collecting the remainders. The remainder after integer division can be computed by the function remainder.

(define (num->str n [radix 10])
  (define rem (remainder n radix))
  (define initial (if (< rem 10)
                      (char->integer #\0)
                      (- (char->integer #\A) 10)))
  (define rem-str
    (string (integer->char (+ initial rem))))

  (if (< n radix)
      (string-append (num->str (quotient n radix) radix)

Alternatively, you can use string-ref to pick out the correct character from numeric-alphabet given an index, and instead of string-appending you can construct a list of characters which is converted to a string in the end:

(define numeric-alphabet "0123456789ABCDEF")

(define (num->char n [radix 10])
  (string-ref numeric-alphabet (remainder n radix)))

(define (num->str n [radix 10] [acc '()])
    [(negative? n) (num->str (- n) radix '(#\-))]
    [(< n radix) (list->string (cons (num->char n radix) acc))]
    [else (num->str (quotient n radix) radix (cons (num->char n radix) acc))]))