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Pretty Printing of Binary Numbers

The goal of this assignment is to implement a Haskell program that reads a positive integer from standard input, converts it into its binary representation, and displays this representation as a text image. Each digit (i.e., 0 and 1) is represented as a 4×4 grid of characters. More precisely, the text images of digits 0 and 1 are rendered in Haskell like below:

    type Img = [String]

    zero :: Img
    zero = [".##.",

    one :: Img
    one =  ["...#",


Implement a function main :: IO () that works as follows:

  1. Display a message Enter integer:.
  2. Let the user enter an integer n (you may assume only valid inputs).
  3. Convert n into its binary representation.
  4. Display the binary representation using the above text-images. The particular digits must be separated by a column consisting of the character '.'.

Below you can see an example if you execute the main function and the user enters the number 12.

> main
Enter integer:

All the displayed lines must end with the new-line character '\n' so you can display them e.g. by putStrLn. No trailing whitespaces are allowed at the ends of lines.

type Img = [String]

empty :: Img
empty = replicate 4 ""

zero :: Img
zero = [".##.",

one :: Img
one =  ["...#",

concat2Img :: Img -> Img -> Img
concat2Img = zipWith (\s t -> s ++ "." ++ t)

concatImgs :: [Img] -> Img
concatImgs (im:ims) = foldl concat2Img im ims
concatImgs _ = empty

numToStr :: Int -> Int -> String
numToStr n radix = if  n < radix then [chars !! n]
                   else numToStr d radix ++ [chars !! r]
                 where chars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'F']
                       d = n `div` radix
                       r = n `mod` radix

binToImgs :: String -> [Img]
binToImgs = map (\c -> case c of
                         '0' -> zero
                         '1' -> one)

genSol :: Int -> String
genSol n = unlines strs
        where strs = concatImgs $ binToImgs $ numToStr n 2
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "Enter integer:"
          n <- read <$> getLine
          let bin = numToStr n 2
          let ims = binToImgs bin
          mapM_ putStrLn $ concatImgs ims