Photographing Skyscrapers
You are an avid photographer that is obsessed with regular structures and you want to take pictures of cities that are built on regular grids. It turns out that you are also really into roof tops so you want to see as many of them in your pictures as possible. Naturally, you wonder from which side of a given city (North/South/East/West) you should be taking the picture. Luckily a befriended architect gave you maps of the cities you want to photograph. The maps are very simplified and can be represented as lists of lists of integers, so for example in Scheme:
; north
(define city
'((3 0 3 7 3)
(2 5 5 1 2)
(6 5 3 3 2)
(3 3 5 4 9)
(3 5 3 9 0)))
; south
Every number represents the height of a building.
A roof is visible if all other roofs between it and the edge of the grid are smaller than it. Only consider roofs in the same row or column. The first roof at the edge of a grid is always visible.
In Racket, write a function (best-view city)
that outputs the direction with the most roofs visible, along with the number of roofs visible from that direction. The direction should be one of four symbols: 'N
, 'S
, 'E
, and 'W
. The result should be a pair of the format '(direction . number)
(define city
'((3 3 3)
(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)))
; 'N has 3 roofs, 'S has 5, 'E has 3, and 'W is the best with 7
> (best-view city)
'(W . 7)
Your file should be called photo-skyscraper.rkt
and should provide
the best-view
#lang racket
(provide best-view)
(define (best-view city)
; Implement me!
#lang racket
(provide best-view)
(define (visible-roofs-row row [height 0] [n 0])
(if (empty? row)
(if (< height (car row))
(visible-roofs-row (cdr row) (car row) (+ n 1))
(visible-roofs-row (cdr row) height n))))
(define (transpose mat) (apply map list mat))
(define (visible-roofs city dir)
(define m
(match dir
['W city]
['E (map reverse city)]
['N (transpose city)]
['S ((compose (curry map reverse) transpose) city)]))
(apply + (map visible-roofs-row m)))
(define (best-view city)
(define views (list (list 'N (visible-roofs city 'N))
(list 'S (visible-roofs city 'S))
(list 'E (visible-roofs city 'E))
(list 'W (visible-roofs city 'W))))
(define (inner m v) (if (< (cadr m) (cadr v)) v m))
(define sol (foldl inner (list 'None 0) views))
(cons (car sol) (cadr sol)))
In Haskell, write a function bestView city
that outputs the direction with the most roofs visible, along with the number of roofs visible from that direction. The direction should be one of four characters: 'N'
, 'S'
, 'E'
, or 'W'
. The result should be a pair in the format (direction, number)
city = [[3, 3, 3],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 3]]
-- 'N' has 3 roofs, 'S' has 5, 'E' has 3, and 'W' is the best with 7
bestView city -- ('W', 7)
Your file should be called PhotoSkyscraper.hs
and should export the bestView
module PhotoSkyscraper (bestView) where
bestView :: [[Int]] -> (Char, Int)
bestView city = ... -- Implement me!
module Task4 (bestView) where
import Data.List
roofs xss = sum $ inner <$> xss
inner xs = length (group $ scanl1 max xs)
morph 'N' = transpose
morph 'S' = fmap reverse . transpose
morph 'E' = fmap reverse
morph _ = id
bestView :: [[Int]] -> (Char, Int)
bestView city =
let dirs = "NSEW"
views = roofs . (`morph` city) <$> dirs
opts = zip dirs views
in last $ sortOn snd opts