Non-deterministic Finite Automata
In the seminars, we have encountered Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs). In this task, we will work with a generalized version of the DFA that is called Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). NFA is the 5-tuple
- set of states
, - a finite set of input symbols
(called alphabet), - a set of transitions
, - a start state
, - a set of final states
In other words, NFA is just a directed graph whose vertices are states and transitions are edges labelled by symbols from
An example of an NFA is depicted in the figure below. This NFA accepts e.g. words
Example of NFA where
Your assignment is to implement a function that generates the language accepted by a given NFA. However, since such a language is potentially infinite, the problem is simplified to listing all words of given length that are accepted by the automaton.
For the purpose of this task, the NFA is defined as follows. First, each possible transition is represented as the triplet
data Transition a b = Tr a b a
where the type a
represents the states in b
are the symbols
data Automaton a b = NFA [Transition a b] a [a]
where the first member is the exhaustive list of transitions, the second member is the start state
nfa::Automaton Int Char
nfa = NFA [Tr 1 'a' 2,
Tr 2 'b' 2,
Tr 1 'a' 3,
Tr 3 'b' 4,
Tr 4 'a' 3,
Tr 2 'a' 4]
The first part of the task is to decide whether a particular word is accepted by a given automaton. To that end, implement the function
accepts :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Automaton a b -> [b] -> Bool
which takes and automaton and a list of symbols that represents the word, and returns True iff the word is accepted. Notice, a
and b
are instances of Eq
. The function is used as follows.
> accepts nfa "aba"
> accepts nfa "abab"
Hint: One possibility how to implement the function accepts
is to maintain a list of accessible states after consuming an initial segment of the input word.
Consider the NFA from the figure and the word "aba"
. We start with the list containing the start state [1]
. Then we modify this list by the transitions corresponding to the letters as follows:
[1] -a-> [2,3] -b-> [2,4] -a-> [3,4]
Finally, we check if the resulting list of states contains a final state. 3
is a final state, the output is True
Another example for "abab"
[1] -a-> [2,3] -b-> [2,4] -a-> [3,4] -b-> [4]
As 4
is not a final state, the ouput is False
One more example for "ba"
[1] -b-> [] -a-> []
So the output is False
Next, given the automaton, its alphabet, and a length, generate the list of all words of the given length that are accepted by the automaton. Implement the function
lwords :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [b] -> Automaton a b -> Int -> [[b]]
where the first input is the alphabet as list of unique symbols, the second is the automaton, and the third is the word length. The function returns a list of the accepted words, i.e., a list of lists of symbols. In terms of the task evaluation, the ordering of the words is not relevant. The function operates as follows.
> lwords "ab" nfa 0
> lwords "ab" nfa 1
> lwords "ab" nfa 3
Hint: first, generate all possible words of the given length. Then, filter the words using the function accepts
import Control.Monad.State
data Transition a b = Tr a b a deriving Show
data Automaton a b = NFA [(Transition a b)] a [a] deriving Show
--nfa::Automaton Int Char
--nfa = NFA [(Tr 1 'a' 1), (Tr 1 'b' 1), (Tr 1 'c' 1), (Tr 1 'b' 2), (Tr 1 'c' 2)] 1 [2]
walk :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Automaton a b -> a -> [b] -> Bool
walk aut@(NFA trs start finals) state [] | elem state finals = True
| otherwise = False
walk aut@(NFA trs start finals) state (c:ws) = or [ (walk aut t ws) | tr@(Tr f c' t) <- trs, c' == c, f == state]
accepts :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Automaton a b -> [b] -> Bool
accepts aut@(NFA trs start finals) word = walk aut start word
combinations :: [a] -> Int -> State [[a]] [[a]]
combinations cs 0 = do ws <- get
return ws
combinations cs n = do ws <- get
let ws' = [ c:w | c <- cs , w <- ws]
put ws'
combinations cs (n-1)
lwords :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [b] -> Automaton a b -> Int -> [[b]]
lwords abc aut n = reverse $ [ w | w <- p, accepts aut w] where
p = evalState (combinations abc n) [[]]
Implement the functions accepts
and lwords
. In this task, you may assume that the input word will always be a string. Thus you can use functions string->list
and list->string
for converting strings to lists of characters and vice versa. Of course, we need to adapt the automaton representation for Racket. First, each possible transition is represented as the triplet:
(struct transition (from-state symbol to-state))
where from-state
and to-state
are states in symbol
is a symbol in
(struct automaton (trans init-state final-states))
where the first member trans
is the exhaustive list of transitions, the second member init-state
is the start state final-state
is the list of final states
(define nfa
(list (transition 1 #\a 2)
(transition 2 #\b 2)
(transition 1 #\a 3)
(transition 3 #\b 4)
(transition 4 #\a 3)
(transition 2 #\a 4))
(list 2 3)))
Implement the function
(accepts automaton word)
which takes an automaton and a string that represents the word to be parsed by the automaton, and returns #t
if the word is accepted, #f
otherwise. The function is used as follows:
> (accepts nfa "aba")
> (accepts nfa "abab")
Next, given the automaton, its alphabet, and a length, generate the list of all words of the given length that are accepted by the automaton. Implement the function
(lwords alphabet automaton n)
where the first input alphabet
is the alphabet passed as a string, the second input automaton
is the automaton, and the third input n
is the word length. The function returns a list of the accepted words, i.e., a list of lists of characters. In terms of the task evaluation, the ordering of the words is not relevant. The function operates as follows:
> (lwords "ab" nfa 0)
> (lwords "ab" nfa 1)
> (lwords "ab" nfa 3)
'("aaa" "aba" "abb")
For testing purposes your file should be named task3.rkt
and start with the following lines:
#lang racket
(provide accepts
#lang racket
(provide accepts
(struct transition (from-state symbol to-state))
(struct automaton (trans init-state final-states))
(define ((s-next fa a) s)
(define tr (automaton-trans fa))
(map transition-to-state
(filter (lambda (t) (and (equal? s (transition-from-state t))
(equal? a (transition-symbol t))))
(define ((next fa) a ss)
(define tr (automaton-trans fa))
(apply append (map (s-next fa a) ss)))
(define (accepts fa w)
(define states (foldl (next fa) (list (automaton-init-state fa)) (string->list w)))
(if (eq? #f (ormap (lambda (s) (member s (automaton-final-states fa))) states))
(define (words alp n)
((= n 0) '())
((= n 1) (map list alp))
(else (apply append
(map (lambda (w)
(map (lambda (a) (cons a w)) alp))
(words alp (- n 1)))))))
(define (lwords alp nfa n)
(filter (lambda (w) (accepts nfa (list->string w)))
(words (string->list alp) n)))
(define nfa
(list (transition 1 #\a 2)
(transition 2 #\b 2)
(transition 1 #\a 3)
(transition 3 #\b 4)
(transition 4 #\a 3)
(transition 2 #\a 4))
(list 2 3)))
(accepts nfa "aba")
(lwords "ab" nfa 3)