A filetree can be used to efficiently search/replace in large filesystems. You can think of it as a tree with a variable size of nodes
├── scripts
│ ├── emptydir
│ ├── ex1
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── ex2
│ └──
├── src
│ ├── complex.hs
│ └── tree.hs
└── tests
└── test_tree.hs
In Racket, we define a filetree as nested dictionaries, where each directory is a key for a filetree. An empty filetree is just #hash()
the filetree above would look like
("scripts" . #hash(
("emptydir" . #hash())
("ex1" . #hash(
("" . #hash())
("" . #hash())))
("ex2" . #hash(
("" . #hash())))))
("src" . #hash(
("complex.hs" . #hash())
("tree.hs" . #hash())))
("tests" . #hash(
("test_tree.hs" . #hash()))))
In this formulation a leaf is represented by a pair of a string and am empty dictionary. We can then use filetrees to model a filesystem. The exercise consists in parsing a list of file paths (directories separated by /
), input as strings, into a filetree through a function (parse paths)
You are given a list of files (directories separated by /
) like this:
(list "src/tree.hs"
Parse the list of files into a tree and check if a new file or directory is already in the tree with the function
(exists file tree)
Your file should be called filetree.rkt
and provide
the parse
and exists
For splitting a string into a list of strings you can make use of the function string-split
(exists "src/tree.hs" (parse files))
> #t
(exists "src/test.hs" (parse files))
> #f
#lang racket
(define (insert xs tree)
(if (empty? xs)
(let* ((k (car xs))
(v (if (dict-has-key? tree k) (dict-ref tree k) #hash()))
(newv (insert (cdr xs) v)))
(dict-set tree k newv))))
(define (split file) (string-split file "/"))
(define (parse files)
(foldl (lambda (file tree) (insert (split file) tree))
(define (exists file tree)
(define (helper names tree)
(cond [(empty? names) #t]
[(empty? tree) #f]
[(dict-has-key? tree (car names))
(helper (cdr names) (dict-ref tree (car names)))]
[else #f]))
(helper (split file) tree))
(define files
(list "src/tree.hs"
; (define a (insert '("asdf" "asdf") #hash()))
; (insert '("asdf" "sss") a)
(define tree (parse files))
(exists "src" tree)
(exists "src/complex.hs" tree)
For the Haskell implementation you are provided with a module FTree.hs
which contains a FTree
type including a Data.Map
from keys to values. We quote the definition here:
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data FTree a = FNil | FNode (Map a (FTree a)) deriving (Eq)
The type Map k v
is a predefined type which represents a simple associative map. You can use all functions that are defined on the Map
. The FTree
has a constructor FNode m
that takes a mapping m
between strings and filetrees, and a constructor FNil
. The mapping m
contains entries that associate directories and their subtrees.
In Haskell, you are given a list of files (directories separated by /
) like this:
files = ["src/tree.hs"
Parse the list of files into an FTree
and check if a new file or directory is already in the tree with the function
exists :: String -> FTree String -> Bool
Your file should be called Filetree.hs
, contain a module of the same name, and export the parse
and exists
Prelude> exists "src/tree.hs" (parse files)
Prelude> exists "src/test.hs" (parse files)
You can use all functions that are available for Map
(e.g. empty
, insert
, member
, lookup
, findWith
, findWidthDefault
, ...), you just need to import it.
For splitting a string into a list of strings you can make use of the functions
break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
Explaination of the solution below
insert :: [String] -> FTree String -> FTree String
insert (d:r) (FNode ls) = FNode (Map.alter (Just . insert r . fromMaybe FNil) d ls)
There are two cases to consider here:
- If the key
does not exist we want to add(d, FNil)
to the map. - If
does exist we still might have to update the rest of the file tree, so we want to recursively add(d, insert r (subtree at d))
Updating a Maybe
existing value based on a function can be done with Map.alter
. Map.alter wants an update function (Maybe FTree String -> Maybe FTree String
) This we can achieve via (fromMaybe FNil)
which constructs a function that returns FNil
if it receives a Nothing
and otherwise the Just
value it receives (i.e. the subtree at d).
In the _exists
function if we find x
in the current tree level, we want to recurse. Map.lookup
returns a Maybe
, so we can lift _exists xs
to work on a Maybe FTree
_exists (x:xs) (FNode ls) = fromMaybe False (_exists xs <$> (Map.lookup x ls))
Full solution
module Filetree (parse, exists) where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import FTree
splitOn :: Char -> String -> [String]
splitOn c s = case (break (== c) s) of
(d, "") -> [d]
(d, r) -> [d] ++ splitOn c (drop 1 r) where
split :: String -> [String]
split = splitOn '/'
insert :: [String] -> FTree String -> FTree String
insert [] tree = tree
insert (d:r) FNil = FNode (Map.insert d (insert r FNil) Map.empty)
insert (d:r) (FNode ls) = FNode (Map.alter (Just . insert r . fromMaybe FNil) d ls)
parse :: [String] -> FTree String
parse files = foldl (\tree file -> (insert (splitOn '/' file) tree)) FNil files
exists :: String -> FTree String -> Bool
exists file tree = _exists (split file) tree where
_exists [] tree = True
_exists _ FNil = False
_exists (x:xs) (FNode ls) = fromMaybe False (_exists xs <$> (Map.lookup x ls))
files = ["dir1/tree.hs"
main = do
let tree = parse files
putStrLn (showTree tree)
print $ exists "dir1/tree.hs" tree
print $ exists "dir1/asdf.hs" tree
print $ exists "dir2/ex1" tree
print $ exists "dir2/ex1/" tree
print $ exists "scripts/ex2/" tree